Saturday, March 15, 2008

yes, thats right, blame others

Whatever bad happens in our life, we tend to find someone to blame, because it relieves us of guilt. But if we turn back and see our life, we repel so many people because of our blames. I had an accident, blame the opposite person. I dint get the job, blame the interviewer for his prejudice. I spilled coffe on me, blame my tension filled job. I dint attend my kid's school function, blame my husband for not understanding. If the omlet is not good, do we blame the hen ? or the cook? [ref: 'Dead like me' tv-show] Is it only me that does this sort of heavenly work? a big fat NO. 

I have seen most of us blame others for mistakes. If you cant find somebody, then blame the default backup - FATE. Fate takes on many paths - astrology, God, good time bad time, etc. Thus goes my life. Wait. I press the pause button, and rewind my life. whow dude, is this really me? why am i so unhappy? why am i repeating my mistakes? why am i making bad decisions? oh yeah, because i blamed others for my misdeeds, and never found out a solution because it was never my fault in the first place. now after all these years, i ve come to a realisation that blaming others never takes me up the ladder. and so i decided not to blame others and to resolve my mistakes from last week. 

Ofcourse i was not 100% successful. I did blame my husband's insensetiveness, when i was lazy to clean up the dishes. I blamed the cold chicago weather wehn i was not able to go out shopping. come on you cant blame me for my non-determined effort, after all I am a beginner and time is to be blamed here.


Unknown said...

If the omlet is not good, do we blame the hen ? =))

theguywhothinkstoomuch said...

hi nice blog... hmm you seem to be doing some deep thinking.. :)